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Pendaftaran SAPD - Schlamme Beckenbauer

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Pendaftaran SAPD - Schlamme Beckenbauer Empty Pendaftaran SAPD - Schlamme Beckenbauer

Post by Beckenbauer Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:38 pm

..[In Charachter]..

Nama Lengkap: Schlamme Fredrich Beckenbauer.
Umur: 26 years old.
Tanggal Lahir: 06 March 1988.
Tempat Tanggal Lahir: Hamburg, 06 March 1988.
Alamat: Jefferson Motel, Room number 142.
Jenis Kelamin: Male.
Jenis Kulit: White.
Pekerjaan: Nothing.
SIM Memiliki: Yes.
KTP Memiliki: Yes.
Jenis Satus (Menikah Atau Belum Menikah): Married.
Misi Menjadi Kepolisian: I want make Los Santos to a better place.
Visi Menjadi Kepolisian: I am a hard-worker and I want to stop crime in the city, in order to help the city grow.
Tujuan Menjadi Kepolisian: (300 Kata) I want to become a Police Officer because I have had a fascination with serving the law and giving the civilians the comfort of sleeping safely everynight. Without or duties their life would be hanging in a thread of risk and we being present like today just asures that they will wake up in the morning healthy and with all their belongings. The police structures society and makes it complete with out us there would be a gap into what makes it whole. The badge,service weapon, and courage is what makes a police officer without these important ingrediants it would be completely off to what a Police officer is know of and with me being a LSPD member I will represent what makes up this definition and I will make this possible by showing others respect and delivering courage when needed I hope I never get to use my service weapon but if a situation presents itself i'll have to use it. I am commited to serving the law and spreading the LSPD code through chivalry.
Apakah anda pernah tertangkap oleh pihak kepolisian: Nope.
Keahlian Anda: Smart, Strong, Honest.
Lulusan: Hamburg University of Military and Law.
Nama Orang Tua: Marco Fredrich Beckenbauer.
Nomor Handphone: 67923156 ((Just RPly, i'll try to buy a cellphone IG))

..[Out Of Charachter]..

Nama: Helmi Fauzi Abrar.
Umur: 14 tahun.
Alamat: Jl. At-Taqwa, Rt. 03/04 No. 17, Lar-Sel, Ciledug, Tangerang.
Jenis Kelamin: Laki-laki.
URL Facebook: Hacked.
Nomor Handphone: 08891024079.
Status (Pelajar,Pekerja): Pelajar.
Masih Sekolah Atau Tidak: Masih.
Berapa Skill Roleplay Kamu: Maybe 8 or 9.
Sudah pernah terkena WARN oleh admin (Alasan): Never.
Sudah pernah terkena BAN Oleh admin (Alasan): Never.
Misi Kamu menjadi SAPD: I want make Los Santos to a better place.
Visi Kamu Menjadi SAPD:  I am a hard-worker and I want to stop crime in the city, in order to help the city grow.
Tujuan kamu menjadi SAPD: (300 Kata) I want to become a Police Officer because I have had a fascination with serving the law and giving the civilians the comfort of sleeping safely everynight. Without or duties their life would be hanging in a thread of risk and we being present like today just asures that they will wake up in the morning healthy and with all their belongings. The police structures society and makes it complete with out us there would be a gap into what makes it whole. The badge,service weapon, and courage is what makes a police officer without these important ingrediants it would be completely off to what a Police officer is know of and with me being a LSPD member I will represent what makes up this definition and I will make this possible by showing others respect and delivering courage when needed I hope I never get to use my service weapon but if a situation presents itself i'll have to use it. I am commited to serving the law and spreading the LSPD code through chivalry.
Apakah kamu seorang ABUSER: Nope.
Apakah kamu seorang yang sering melanggar peraturan server: Nope.
Apakah kamu seorang yang rajin membuka forum: Yes.
Apakah kamu memiliki TeamSpeak 3 Client: Yes, but not have a microphone.
Berikan ScreenShoot Kamu (/stats <- Pakai Spoiler):
Berikan Foto IRL Anda: Apakah ini akan berpengaruh dengan RP saya..

Hormat Kami
[Schlamme Beckenbauer - Helmi Fauzi Abrar]

Jumlah posting : 2
Join date : 21.10.14
Age : 24
Lokasi : Jakarta - Tangerang Selatan.

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